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WINGS is an acronym for Worship, Invite, Nurture, Grow, and Serve.


These five areas are pivotal to the ministry of Toccoa First. From WORSHIP, we go out to INVITE others to a relationship with Christ and then NURTURE and help them GROW in the faith. As we mature in Christ we realize the mandate he said: "Go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Sprit and teaching them to obey all I have commanded. And low I am with you always, until the end of the age." SERVE is the area of mission needed to reach out to help others outside of our community. WINGS is what the church is all about--mission, ministry, and discipleship.



The worship team supports the worship experience at both Toccoa First services through many avenues, including serving communion, being a greeter, and ushering. There are also many music ministry opportunities, which include Praise Band, Adult Choir, Children's Choir, Handbell Choir, and audio/video technology. Opportunities are also available to work with various youth programs. 

​Worship team areas of service:

  • Acolytes

  • Musicians

  • Decorations

  • Food Preparation

  • Technology

  • Ushers

  • Altar Guild (set-up)




Invite, as the name suggests, is the hospitality arm of our church's ministries. We see our task as being intentional and creative in reaching out to our church members and to newcomers to our church community. We try to provide a warm welcome to members and guests who come to our church. Through invitation, we seek to warmly embrace any guest who visits our church for worship, Sunday school, Wednesday night supper, or any other event. Our goal is to be able to communicate, through hospitality, what Toccoa First is all about: a family atmosphere exists here, and our mission is that of making Christian disciples.

​Invite Team Areas of Service:

  • Guest visitation team

  • Greeters

  • Communications

  • Recreation


​At Toccoa First, we take the formation of disciples very seriously. In equipping our members for the work of a disciple, we recognize that people often need the care of a loving community to support them. As disciples mature, they often feel impelled to care for others in more and more substantive ways. By providing opportunities to give and receive spiritual and emotional support, our Nurture ministries strengthen our church's ability to carry out its mission effectively. The ministries that fall under Nurture's umbrella include:

  • ​Wednesday Church Family Night meals, including meals delivered to the homebound

  • Coordination of monthly worship services held at the Wilkinson and Clary Centers​. 

  • Congregational care/Care Force – those who meet each Tuesday to offer need-based prayer and update the Prayers and Concerns bulletin and provide regular visitation to nursing homes and the homebound.​  The Prayer Shawl Ministry, creating knitted and crocheted items for people in the community.

  • New Member contacts, writing personal notes are sent to each new church member​

  • College Ministry 

  • Ladies' Monthly Dinner Out Group - promoting fellowship with other Christian women, gathering the third Thursday of each month from 5 -8 pm.   


    • Thirteen members of the  Ladies Dinner Group had a fabulous time at Mama G's in Clayton on Thursday October 17.  The food was exceptional as was the service.  Our vivacious church van driver, Cavonna, took this picture. (Phyllis is missing from the picture).  
      On Thursday November 21, 2024 we are going to the Southern Steakhouse in Seneca SC. It offers lots of menu options besides steaks.  We will meet in the church back parking lot at 5:30pm.  Please contact Debby Shonka to RSVP and with any questions.   In December we will be meeting at the Friendship Club’s Christmas Luncheon on Monday Dec 16, instead of going out to dinner.  More details to follow next month.




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October trip to Clayton


The Methodist Church does not just care about social issues, but also for the state of the heart and the mind.  Through the many opportunities that we offer for Christian Education, children, youth, and adults are invited to be transformed as they are inspired and challenged to know and experience God through Jesus Christ, claim and live God’s promises, and grown in their faith and in service to the world as disciples of Jesus Christ. â€‹

Grow Team Areas of Service:

Sunday School Teachers

Children's JAM Ministry

Nursery Workers

Stoked Youth Ministry

Young Adult Ministry

Wednesday Church Family Night Programs

Older Adult/Crusaders Ministry



Service is the concept that comes closest to the heart of the Christian life. Whether it is performing the simplest acts of charity or organizing complex mission trips, self-giving love should be evident in the life of every believer. The Serve area of ministries provides opportunities for individuals and groups to give of their time, talent, and resources in ways that reflect the love that God has shown to each of us. We strive to provide opportunities for people to reach beyond the church boundary and out into the community. This is done in several ways:

  • The committee provides some funding to local charities such as food banks, shelters, health clinics, etc.​

  • A handy-man program provides minor house repair for those who cannot afford it. This program also builds handicap ramps in the community where they are needed.​

  • We support missionaries in Africa and Haiti.​

  • We support the local youth summer program.

  • We have packed food for the Rise Against Hunger Program.  In 2024, the church's volunteers will pack food for the program on November 9.  The team will pack 10,000 meals.​

  • The youth have packed flood buckets for disaster relief.​​


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Toccoa First Methodist Church,  333 East Tugalo Street, Toccoa, GA 30577  |  Tel: (706) 886-9446

 Office Hours: Mon. - Thurs.: 9 am-4 pm (closed Noon-1 pm for lunch); Friday: 9 am-Noon

Worship: Sunday  8:30 am & 11:00 am

©2022 by TOCCOA FMC. 

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