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Serving Others

Many members of Toccoa First are called to minister to others in a wide variety of projects.  We welcome everyone interested in participating in these groups..



Spiritual leadership at Toccoa First includes Senior Pastor Brent White and Associate Pastor April Briant, Music Director Ken White, Youth Director Rich Griffith and Children's Director Kayla Griffith.  For more about our staff, click here


The church has a number of adult, youth and children's Sunday School and Bible study classes as well as Vacation Bible School in the summer.  

You are welcome to visit services and classes!  


Historically, the Methodist Church was built on a solid foundation of music.  Traditional worship at Toccoa First features music and hymns of the classic church music.  The Alternative offers contemporary praise music performed by a praise band.  Periodically a concert of praise and worship with choir, handbells and symphony orchestra is presented on Sunday evenings.  Advent and Easter always feature special music.  SINGERS and BELL RINGERS are welcome to join the bell and chancel choirs.  Music is under the direction of Ken White.   For details, click here

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A local non profit organization in Toccoa, Georgia, Neighbors 4 Neighbors (N4N) works tirelessly to feed and comfort the hungry.  Toccoa First Methodist provides hygiene items to supplement the food gifts.   Donations are collected on Pink Envelope Sundays (third Sunday of the month) during church services, but gifts are gratefully received any time.

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Meeting every week at 6:15 on Wednesday nights, this group knits and crochets beautiful items which find their way into our community.  The items that are made include prayer shawls, lap blankets, baby caps, chemo caps, and prayer squares. Everything is prayed over as they are made and then presented to the church to be distributed to the homeless, to nursing homes, to the sick, and to anyone else who may need one. All are welcome to join! 

Toccoa First Methodist supports the Operation Christmas Child ministry of Samaritan's Purse.  Shoeboxes are filled with toys, candy and the study materials which give millions of children around the world the good news about Jesus' love and hope for the future.   Click here for details

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Toccoa First Methodist Church,  333 East Tugalo Street, Toccoa, GA 30577  |  Tel: (706) 886-9446

 Office Hours: Mon. - Thurs.: 9 am-4 pm (closed Noon-1 pm for lunch); Friday: 9 am-Noon

Worship: Sunday  8:30 am & 11:00 am

©2022 by TOCCOA FMC. 

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