The calendar below will be a little slow to load as the program pulls it up. While it appears that there are not a lot of events listed each day, there really are, on some days! To see all of the events, click on the "+number" at the bottom of the calendar box. A drop-down menu will appear with listings of each event scheduled for that day. Some of the events are church organizational meetings, others are open to all.
Want to know what's happening at Toccoa First Methodist Church?
Check out our full calendar below. Recurring events are listed at the bottom of this page.
You can also check out our "Upcoming Events" page for more information about upcoming events.
Recurring Events
The listings below occur on an ongoing basis
1st Monday 11:00 am Ladies Book Club Terrell House
2nd Monday 9:30 am Friendship Club Craft Day McNeely Hall
3rd Monday 11:30 am Toccoa Methodist Women’s Group
Meeting & Luncheon McNeely Hall
November 18: program features Pastor April discussing Global Church's Vision Statement & differences
the current and former Books of Discipline
All Mondays 6:30 pm Cub Scouts McNeely Hall
7:00 pm Boy Scouts Scout Hut
Wednesdays 5:30 pm Catered Dinner Cheek Hall (Reservations required by noon Mon.,
call Church office (706) 886-9446 to reserve) Subject to change
6:00 pm Handbell Choir* rehearsal - Sanctuary
6:15 pm Kids’ Worship & Game Night McNeely Hall
Stoked Youth Youth Building
Adult Bible Study McNeely Hall
Prayer Shawl Ministry Room 207
6:45 pm Kingdom Men's Choir* rehearsal -Sanctuary, alternate Wednesdays
7:00 pm Kingdom Men's Choir* rehearsal -Choir Room
7:20 pm Chancel Choir Rehearsal Sanctuary 11/13
7:30 pm Praise Band "B" Rehearsal Cheek Hall
Thursdays 10:00 am AA McNeely Hall
1st Sunday 8:30 am Worship & Holy Communion Cheek Hall (contemporary service)
11 am Worship & Holy Communion Sanctuary (traditional service)
5 pm Stoked Youth (Youth Building)
2nd Sunday 7:30 am Men’s Breakfast McNeely Hall
8:30 am Worship & Holy Communion Cheek Hall (contemporary service)
11 am Worship & Holy Communion Sanctuary (traditional service)
9:30 am Coffee Hour McNeely Hall
5 pm Stoked Youth (Youth Building)
3rd Sunday 8:30 am Worship & Holy Communion Cheek Hall (contemporary service)
11 am Worship & Holy Communion Sanctuary (traditional service)
Pink Envelope Sunday (donations support purchase of hygiene products
for Neighbors 4 Neighbors charity)
5 pm Stoked Youth (Youth Building)
4th Sunday 8:30 am Worship & Holy Communion Cheek Hall (contemporary service)
11 am Worship & Holy Communion Sanctuary (traditional service)
5 pm Stoked Youth (Youth Building)
5th Sundays March, June, September & December 2024
8:30 am Worship & Holy Communion Cheek Hall (contemporary service)
11 am Worship & Holy Communion Sanctuary (traditional service)
5 pm Stoked Youth (Youth Building)